George King "Primary Terrestrial Mental Channel No. 1"
On May 8th, 1954 taxi driver George King received "The Command" to become "Primary Terrestrial Mental Channel No. 1" for extraterrestrial intelligences. The voice told him
"Prepare yourself! You are to become the voice of Interplanetary Parliament."

George wearing his transmission goggles.
George went on to found the Aetherius Society which still exists today and boasts thousands of members worldwide, with the largest numbers in the United Kingdom, United States (particularly Southern California) and New Zealand..
A highlight from the interview BBC Lifeline, broadcast.
George was interviewed on BBC Lifeline, broadcast on May 21, 1959 the title of the program was "Mars and Venus Speak to Earth". Here he communicates telepathically with "Aetherius" from Venus in the presence of Dr D.W Dewhirst a Cambridge Astronomer, and an unnamed Jungian psychologist. Watch the full interview below..
The interview is extremely odd and very dry which makes it very amusing, yet George seems convinced that he is indeed the voice of Interplanetary Parliament.

588 transmissions in 1975 a "World record".